In 1986, I went to Lanock Motors in Camperdown and bought an '82 AUDI 2+2 secondhand. (5 cyl- 2.1 litre F.I.). Without going into a lot of detail, the German thoroughbred turned into an overheating nag ! A cylinder overhaul under warranty and 3 days with the service manager resulted in
"Pick another car " of equivalent value.
So eenie, meeanie, minie, mo, Fiat, Lancia, Suburu or Renault ? The Renault drove best and, as you know, it is highly practical, despite it's unorthodox appearance. Prior to this my only experience of Renault's was as a passenger in a Renualt 1100 , so you could imagine my surprise, on driving the Fuego, how good it was, Short gearing, punchy acceleration in 2nd gear & spacious interior, especially with the passenger seat folded down. Sold!!!
18 years later, I still have it....!